AGENT LISTING CAMPAIGN Real Estate Website Design Statistics
Did you know?
72% of home buyers utilized a mobile phone, devices when searching for a home to purchase any of those home buyers, 58% of Millennials and 46% of Generation X actually found their home via mobile.
Only 7% of firms do not have a website. Additionally, 99% of companies with five or more offices have a website. However, just because you already have a website does not mean its custom designed with your target audience in mind. Real estate website design is different than most websites because you generally have to incorporate property listings pulled from a third party, location mapping, virtual tours, contact links and more. Real estate website design can get cumbersome and cloud navigation if not executed properly.
You know that real estate is the most useful and secure long-term investment you can make, which is why we know that real estate website design is one of the most reliable and secure long-term investments you can make for your business success.